李正子  Shoko LEE              Asia Contemporary Art


Selected bibliography  (English)

 S      Sin Chew 星洲日报 Malaysia NST Star 2012Chinese / English
  Telling her story in bambo / NST Malaysia 2012 (English)
  Painting her life's journey  / The Star 2012 (English)

 Shoko Lee Embodies the Confidence of the Chinese Culture



Dragon and Horse series  (1989-2005 )
The spirit of gestures " story by Ooi Koko Chuen New Straits Times Malaysia 2004-12-31
Shoko's Dragons - A continuous evolution " story by Ong Ju Lynn The Star Malaysia  2000-02-03 

" My Diary 1989-1993"
Using bamboo as a painting tool story by Ooi Kok Chuen /N.S.T.1996/09/10
"A walk through nature-searching with her heart, mind and hands "story by Grace Chin /The Star/1996/08/29


" My Diary 1985-1988 "
A celebration of God's creatures by Ooi Kok Chuen/N.S.T Malaysia/1996/07/04
Beauty in fowl expressions by Tan Gim Ean/N.S.T Malaysia 1991/08/04
Appealing to the child within by J.Anu /Sunday Star Malaysia/1996/04/07

Malaysian artist exhibits 28 bamboo ink drawings and five oil paintings/ The Star 20120704

" My Diary 1983-1985 A Difference Sense of Time and Space by Alina Ranee/ N.S.T 1985./08/07
All is beautiful in Shoko’s art by LEE Yoke Har /N.S.T 1985/08/11


" My Diary 1981-1983" Hands of an artist, eyes of a child by Joan Lau / New Sunday Times Malaysia 1983/08/07

1980" sunny boy series"


Shoko LEE bade farewell to Japan in 1972. She began a new life and artistic career and became a Malaysian citizen after marrying LEE Kian Seng. Her art corresponds to the different phases of her life: from publishing Sunny Boy in 1980, to "My Diary" series from 1980 onwards, which includes the “Soul-Dragon Horse (1989-2006) series, and more recently, her travel journeys such as the India Nepal pilgrimage in 2008. Shoko finds her inspiration in nature and subject matters of everyday life. Her vivid imagination has transformed ordinary objects and animals into cheerful individuals bursting with exuberance.

Name : Shoko LEE Born: 1948

Nationality :Malaysian.

Status : Full-time artist since 1981 (Visual art).

Major medium : Painting (oil, watercolour, ink) and Children Books.


2012:  One person exhibition @, Georgetown Festival.Penang State Art Gallery (27thJune-8July2012) .
2006: <Mees Pierson Art Bank Exhibition Singapore > (group show, 22 Feb-22 Mar 2006)

2005: <Arts Singapore 2005> (group show, Suntec Singapore 29 Sep - 03 Oct 2005)

2000: < 2000 Dragon Images > (group show) National Art Gallery, Malaysia.

1996: < My Diary 1989-1993 > Solo Watercolour & Ink Paintings Exhibition, Klang, Malaysia. 1996: < My Diary 1985-1988 > Solo Watercolour Paintings Exhibition, Klang, Malaysia.

1992: < Wanita dan Kreativiti > (group show) National Art Gallery, Malaysia.

1991: < The Malaysia ness of Malaysian Art: The Question of Identity>(group) National Art Gallery Malaysia.

1991: < Nuansa > (group show) National Art Gallery Malaysia and Depdikbud, Indonesia.

1985: < My Diary 1983-1985 > Solo Watercolour Paintings Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 1983: < My Diary 1981-1983 > Solo Watercolour Paintings Exhibition, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 1980: < Sunny Boy >children book published by Berita Publishing, Malaysia. It was featured as one of the books that represented Malaysia at the Frankfurt book Fair, Germany in 1981.

Selected bibliography (Chinese)

李正子活出中华文化的自信           作者:李健省 星洲日报 / 艺文  2004/11/04

  艺术路上双人行/专访:吴爱丽 摄影:申瑞鸣/星洲日报/1996/10/13 /母亲也要学到老/报导:杨舒彦/中国报/1998/5/10

龙--维系华人共同情感的象征     文:邱妙莹 星洲日报艺文/  2000/01/30
李正子钟情黑白线条 -- 想象随马驰骋  报道:李秀玲/ 南洋商报 艺术坊 Malaysia /2001/10/07


自制竹笔作画 李正子明起展示日记图与文:水月/南洋商报 《南洋乡情  雪隆》1996/08/21  


生活乐趣随处可得--李正子个展观后感 陈美英/马来西亚南洋商报/1996/08/08


腾空的红椅、空中起舞的猫群…… 李正子以彩笔勾画内心意境/陈美英专访 / 南洋商报/1985/08/11


用彩笔写日记的女人       李正子感谢太阳带来灵感  文:莲子/南洋商报/1983/7/31     
以《太阳的儿子》一书震撼艺坛 李正子靠一支彩笔 画尽她这一生的梦想   文:黄黛蒂  摄影:胡群胜/通报/1983/6/17 
李正子艺术天地   溶化女儿生活情趣  文:何桂枝   摄影:蔡国华/通报-艺苑/1985/8/7  


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